
Japanese To English Translation

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How to Translate Japanese To English using our Japanese To English Translator?

To translate Japanese To English follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Japanese To English Translator tool on ToolsNepal.com.
  2. Click on the Japanese text box and type what you want to translate. For example, type “こんにちは”
  3. Get your English Translation, such as “Hello”. Copy the result using the copy button.

What Makes This Japanese To English Translation Tool Special?

Read More about Japanese Alphabet and Japanese Numbers

Japanese To English


Basic Pronouns in JapaneseBasic Pronouns in English
私 (Watashi)I
あなた (Anata)You
あなたの (Anata no)Your
彼 (Kare)He
彼女 (Kanojo)She
それ (Sore)It

Common Japanese Phrases:

Common Phrases in JapaneseCommon Phrases in English
お名前は何ですか? (Onamae wa nanidesu ka?)What’s your name?
私の名前は ______ です。 (Watashi no namae wa ______ desu.)My name is ______.
お元気ですか? (Ogenki desu ka?)How are you?
元気です (Genki desu)I’m fine
お願いします (Onegaishimasu)Please
ありがとう (Arigatou)Thank you
どういたしまして (Douitashimashite)You’re welcome
ごめんなさい (Gomen nasai)I’m sorry
助けて! (Tasukete!)Help!
日本語を話せますか? (Nihongo o hanasemasu ka?)Do you speak Japanese?
私は日本語を話しません (Watashi wa Nihongo o hanashimasen)I don’t speak Japanese

Formal Japanese Greetings:

Formal Greetings in JapaneseFormal Greetings in English
おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu)Good morning
良い一日 (Yoi tsuitachi)Good day
こんにちは (Konnichiwa)Good afternoon
こんばんは (Konbanwa)Good evening
おやすみなさい (Oyasumi nasai)Good night
さようなら (Sayounara)Goodbye
お会いできて嬉しいです (Oaidekite ureshii desu)It’s a pleasure to meet you
良い一日を (Yoi ichinichi o)Have a nice day

Informal Japanese Greetings:

Informal Greetings in JapaneseInformal Greetings in English
こんにちは (Konnichiwa)Hello
お元気ですか?(Ogenki desu ka?)What’s up?
調子はどう? (Choushi wa dou?)How’s it going?
初めまして (Hajimemashite)Nice to meet you
お大事に (O-daiji ni)Take care

Japanese Phrases To Express Your Love:

Phrases To Express Your Love in JapanesePhrases To Express Your Love in English
愛してる (Ai shiteru)I love you
会いたい (Aitai)I miss you
あなたに夢中 (Anata ni muchuu)I’m crazy about you
あなたが息を奪う (Anata ga iki o ubau)You take my breath away
あなたは夢がかなった人 (Anata wa yume ga kanatta hito)You’re my dream come true
あなたは素敵だ (Anata wa sutekida)You are wonderful
あなたと一緒に一生を過ごしたい (Anata to issho ni issho o sugoshitai)I want a lifetime with you
私は世界で最も幸運な人です (Watashi wa sekai de mottomo koun’na hitodesu)I’m the luckiest person in the world

Relationships in Japanese:

Relationship in JapaneseRelationship in English
おじいさん (Ojiisan)Grandfather
おばあさん (Obaasan)Grandmother
お父さん (Otousan)Father
お母さん (Okaasan)Mother
姉 (Ane)Elder Sister
妹 (Imouto)Younger Sister
兄 (Ani)Elder Brother
弟 (Otouto)Younger Brother
おば (Oba)Aunt
おじ (Oji)Uncle
息子 (Musuko)Son
娘 (Musume)Daughter
妻 (Tsuma)Wife
夫 (Otto)Husband

Days of the Week in Japanese:

Days in JapaneseDays in English
日曜日 (Nichiyoubi)Sunday
月曜日 (Getsuyoubi)Monday
火曜日 (Kayoubi)Tuesday
水曜日 (Suiyoubi)Wednesday
木曜日 (Mokuyoubi)Thursday
金曜日 (Kinyoubi)Friday
土曜日 (Doyoubi)Saturday

Months in Japanese:

Months in JapaneseMonths in English
一月 (Ichigatsu)January
二月 (Nigatsu)February
三月 (Sangatsu)March
四月 (Shigatsu)April
五月 (Gogatsu)May
六月 (Rokugatsu)June
七月 (Shichigatsu)July
八月 (Hachigatsu)August
九月 (Kugatsu)September
十月 (Jugatsu)October
十一月 (Juichigatsu)November
十二月 (Juu-nigatsu)December

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