Are you looking for all common Insects name in French & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of insects name in French & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In French |
American House Spider | Araignée domestique américaine | |
Ant | Fourmi | |
Apantesis Tiger Moth | Papillon tigre d’Apantèse | |
Archaeognatha | Archéognathe | |
Bed Bug | Punaise de lit | |
Bee | Abeille | |
Beetle | Scarabée | |
Black And Yellow Argiope | Argiope noir et jaune | |
Black Widow Spider | Araignée veuve Noire | |
Buffalo Tree Hoppers | Trémies d’arbres à buffles | |
Buprestidae | Buprestidés | |
Butterfly | Papillon | |
Carolina Locust | Criquet de Caroline | |
Caterpillar | chenille | |
Cockroach | Cafard | |
Crickets | Grillons | |
Deer Fly | Mouche de cerf | |
Dragonfly | Libellule | |
Earwig | Perce-oreille | |
European Cabbage Butterfly | Papillon du chou européen | |
Flea | Puce | |
Fly | Voler | |
Grasshoppers | Sauterelles | |
Grylloblattodea | Grylloblattodea | |
Hummingbird Clearwing | Colibri à ailes claires | |
Hymenoptera | Hyménoptères | |
Lacewings | Chrysopes | |
Ladybird | Coccinelle | |
Large Wood Nymph | Grande Nymphe des Bois | |
Least Skipperling | Petite hespérie | |
Lepidoptera | Lépidoptères | |
Lice | Les poux | |
Luna Moth | Papillon de lune | |
Mantis | Mante | |
Mayfly | Éphémère | |
Mecoptera | Mécoptères | |
Megaloptera | Mégaloptères | |
Monarch | Monarque | |
Mosquito | Moustique | |
Moths | Papillons de nuit | |
Neuroptera | Neuroptères | |
Odonata | Odonates | |
Orthoptera | Orthoptères | |
Phasmatodea | Phasmatodea | |
Plecoptera | Plécoptères | |
Praying Mantis | Mante religieuse | |
Psocoptera | Psocoptères | |
Red Admiral | Amiral rouge | |
Scorpionflies | Scorpionflies | |
Sheep Moth | Papillon de mouton | |
Snakefly | Serpent | |
Spring Azure | Azur printanier | |
Stick Insects | Phasmes | |
Strepsiptera | Strepsiptères | |
Termite | Termite | |
Thrips | Thrips | |
Thysanura | Thysanure | |
Tiger Swallowtail | Machaon tigre | |
Trichoptera | Trichoptères | |
True Bugs | Vrais bugs | |
True Katydid | Vrai Katydid | |
Underwing Moths | Papillons de nuit sous les ailes | |
Wasp | Guêpe | |
Wolf Spider | Araignée-loup | |
Woolly Bear Caterpillar | Chenille de l’ours laineux | |
Zorotypus | Zorotypus |