Are you looking for all common Vegetables name in Portuguese & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of vegetables name in Portuguese & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In Portuguese |
Amaranth | Amaranto | |
Apple Gourd | Cabaça de maçã | |
Arbi | Arbi | |
Artichokes | Alcachofras | |
Ash Gourd | Abóbora-d’água | |
Asparagus | Espargos | |
Banana Flower | Flor de bananeira | |
Beans | Feijões | |
Beetroot | Beterraba | |
Bitter Gourd | Cabaça Amarga | |
Black Pepper | Pimenta preta | |
Bottle Gourd | Cabaça | |
Broad Beans | Favas | |
Broccoli | Brócolis | |
Brussels Sprouts | Couves de Bruxelas | |
Cabbage | Repolho | |
Capsicum | pimento | |
Carrot | Cenoura | |
Cauliflower | Couve-flor | |
Celery | Salsão | |
Chickpea | Grão de bico | |
Chilli | Pimenta | |
Chokos | Chocolates | |
Cluster Beans | Feijões Cluster | |
Coriander Leaf | Folha de coentro | |
Corn | Milho | |
Cucumber | Pepino | |
Curry Leaves | Folhas de curry | |
Dill | aneto | |
Drumstick | Baqueta | |
Eggplant | Beringela | |
Fennel | Funcho | |
Fenugreek Leaf | Folha de feno-grego | |
French Beans | Feijões franceses | |
Garlic | Alho | |
Ginger | Ruivo | |
Green Chilli | Pimentão verde | |
Green Pepper | Pimenta verde | |
Green Plantain | Banana Verde | |
Jackfruit | Jaca | |
Kale | Couve | |
Kohlrabi | Couve-rábano | |
Lady Finger | Senhora Dedo | |
Lemon | Limão | |
Lettuce | Alface | |
Luffa | Bucha | |
Mushroom | Cogumelo | |
Mustard Greens | Mostarda verde | |
Onion | Cebola | |
Parsley | Salsinha | |
Pea | Ervilha | |
Peppermint | Hortelã-pimenta | |
Pointed Gourd | Cabaça pontiaguda | |
Potato | Batata | |
Pumpkin | Abóbora | |
Radicchio | Radicchio | |
Radish | Rabanete | |
Raw Mango | Manga crua | |
Red Pepper | Pimentão vermelho | |
Ridge Gourd | Cabaça Ridge | |
Snake Gourd | Cabaça de Cobra | |
Soya Bean | Soja | |
Spinach | Espinafre | |
Spring Onion | Cebolinha | |
Swede | sueco | |
Sweet Potato | Batata doce | |
Tomato | Tomate | |
Turnip | Nabo | |
Yam | inhame | |
Zucchini | Abobrinha |