Are you looking for all common Birds name in Spanish & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of birds name in Spanish & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In Spanish |
Asian Paradise Flycatcher | Papamoscas del paraíso asiático | |
Auk | Además | |
Avocet | Avoceta | |
Bat | Murciélago | |
Baya Weaver | Baya Weaver | |
Black-Bellied Tern | Charrán de vientre negro | |
Black-Headed Ibis | Ibis de cabeza negra | |
Budgies | periquitos | |
Bulbul | bulbul | |
Canary | Canario | |
Cerulean Warbler | Reinita cerúlea | |
Cockatiel | cacatúa | |
Cockatoo | Cacatúa | |
Conure | cotorra | |
Cormorant | Cormorán | |
Crane (Stork) | Grulla (cigüeña) | |
Crow | Cuervo | |
Cuckoo | Cuco | |
Curlew | Zarapito | |
Dove | Paloma | |
Drongo | Drongo | |
Duck | Pato | |
Eagle | Águila | |
Eastern Bluebird | Azulejo oriental | |
Emu Bird | pájaro emú | |
Eurasian Spoonbill | Espátula euroasiática | |
Finch | Pinzón | |
Flamingo | Flamenco | |
Glossy Ibis | Ibis brillante | |
Goldfinch | Jilguero | |
Goose | Ganso | |
Greater Bird of Paradise | Gran ave del paraíso | |
Grey Heron | garza real | |
Guinea Fowl | Gallina de Guinea | |
Harris Hawk | halcón harris | |
Hen | Gallina | |
Hoatzin | Hoatzín | |
Hoopoe | Dormir | |
Hornbill | Cálao | |
Hummingbird | colibrí | |
Indian Little Grebe | Zampullín chico indio | |
Indian Robin | petirrojo indio | |
Indian Treepie | árbol indio | |
Jay | Arrendajo | |
Kestrel | Cernícalo | |
Kingfisher | Martín pescador | |
Kite | Cometa | |
Kiwi | kiwi | |
Lady Gouldian Finch | Señora pinzón de Gouldian | |
Lilac-breasted Roller | Rulo de pecho lila | |
Macaw | Guacamayo | |
Magpie | Urraca | |
Mandarin Duck | Pato mandarín | |
Mynah | Miná | |
Nightingale | Ruiseñor | |
Oriental Bird | pájaro oriental | |
Oriole | Oriol | |
Osprey | Águila pescadora | |
Ostrich | Avestruz | |
Owl | Búho | |
Parrot | Loro | |
Partridge | Perdiz | |
Peacock | Pavo real | |
Pelican | Pelícano | |
Penguin | Pingüino | |
Pewit | Avefría | |
Pheasant | Faisán | |
Pigeon | Paloma | |
Pitta | Pita | |
Quail | Codorniz | |
Raven | Cuervo | |
Robin | Robin | |
Rock-horned Owl | Búho cornudo de roca | |
Rooster | Gallo | |
Rosy Starling | Estornino rosado | |
Sandpiper | Lavandera | |
Seagull | Gaviota | |
Skylark | Hoja de nubes | |
Sparrow | Gorrión | |
Starling | Estornino | |
Stork | Cigüeña | |
Swallow | Tragar | |
Swan | Cisne | |
Tailorbird | Sastre | |
Toucan | Tucán | |
Turkey | Pavo | |
Vulture | Buitre | |
Wagtail | Aguzanieves | |
Weaver | Tejedor | |
White-browed Fantail | Fantail de ceja blanca | |
Woodpecker | Pájaro carpintero |