Are you looking for all common Cereals and Grains name in German & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of cereals and grains name in German & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In German |
All Purpose Flour | Allzweckmehl | |
Amaranth | Amaranth | |
Amarantha Flour | Amarantha-Mehl | |
Arrowroot Flour | Pfeilwurzmehl | |
Barley | Gerste | |
Barley Flakes | Gerstenflocken | |
Barley Grits | Gerstengrieß | |
Barley Groats | Gerstengrütze | |
Bengal Gram Flour | Bengalisches Grammmehl | |
Black Quinoa | Schwarze Quinoa | |
Brown Rice | Brauner Reis | |
Buckwheat | Buchweizen | |
Buckwheat Flour | Buchweizenmehl | |
Buckwheat Groats | Buchweizengrütze | |
Bulgur Wheat | Bulgurweizen | |
Corn | Mais | |
Corn flakes | Cornflakes | |
Corn Flour | Maismehl | |
Corn Starch | Maisstärke | |
Farro Einkorn | Farro Einkorn | |
Farro Emmer | Farro Emmer | |
Finger Millet or Ragi | Fingerhirse oder Ragi | |
Flattened Rice | Abgeflachter Reis | |
Foxtail Millet | Fuchsschwanzhirse | |
Millet | Hirse | |
Oat Groats | Hafergrütze | |
Parboiled Rice | Parboiled-Reis | |
Pearl Millet | Perlhirse | |
Pearled Barley | Perlgerste | |
Popcorn | Popcorn | |
Puffed Rice | Puffreis | |
Quick Cooking Oats Quick Oatmeal | Schnell kochende Haferflocken. Schnelle Haferflocken | |
Quinoa | Quinoa | |
Quinoa Flakes | Quinoa-Flocken | |
Quinoa Flour | Quinoa-Mehl | |
Red Quinoa | Rote Quinoa | |
Rice | Reis | |
Rice Flour | Reismehl | |
Rolled Oats Old Fashioned Oatmeal | Haferflocken Altmodisches Haferflockenmehl | |
Rye | Roggen | |
Sago | Sago | |
Scotch Barley | Schottische Gerste | |
Semolina | Grieß | |
Sorghum and Sorghum Flour | Sorghum und Sorghummehl | |
Spelt | Dinkel | |
Steel Cut Oats Irish Oats | Steel Cut Oats Irischer Hafer | |
Teff Grain and Teff Flour | Teffkorn und Teffmehl | |
Tri Color Rainbow Quinoa | Dreifarbiger Regenbogen-Quinoa | |
Triticale | Triticale | |
Vermicelli | Nudeln | |
Wheat | Weizen | |
Wheat Berries | Weizenbeeren | |
Wheat Bran | Weizenkleie | |
Whole Wheat Flour | Vollkornmehl | |
Wild Rice | Wildreis |