Table of Contents
The English alphabet is the set of letters used to write the English language. It is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters, each with its distinct shape and sound. The English alphabet includes both uppercase (capital) and lowercase letters, providing a versatile system for written communication. It is written from left to right, and each letter serves as a building block for constructing words.
The English alphabet comprises vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and consonants, with each letter contributing to the phonetic structure of words. Understanding the alphabet is fundamental for literacy and effective communication in English-speaking communities.
Learning the English alphabet is typically one of the first steps in acquiring literacy skills. It serves as the basis for spelling, pronunciation, and forming words, enabling individuals to read, write, and communicate effectively in the English language. The versatility of the English alphabet has also facilitated its adaptation for use in various other languages and writing systems around the world.
The Evolution and Origin of the English Alphabet
The English alphabet is a descendant of the Latin alphabet, which was brought to England by the Romans in the 5th century AD. The Latin alphabet itself is derived from the Greek alphabet, which in turn is derived from the Phoenician alphabet.
The English alphabet originally had 29 letters, but over time, some letters were dropped and others were added. The modern English alphabet has 26 letters: 21 consonants and 5 vowels.

English Consonants
Consonants are the letters that are produced by obstructing or constricting the airflow from the vocal cords. They are crucial for forming the core of many words and syllables. Some examples of consonants include ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘n’, ‘p’, ‘q’, ‘r’, ‘s’, ‘t’, ‘v’, ‘w’, ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’.
English Vowels
Vowels are the letters produced without any significant constriction of the airflow. They are the heart of syllables and words, contributing to the articulation and clarity of speech. The English language has five primary vowel letters: ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’. However, these five letters represent a multitude of vowel sounds due to the complexities of English pronunciation.
English Alphabet Table
S.N. | Capital Letter (Uppercase) | Small Letter (Lower Case) | Pronunciation in Nepali and Romanized | Name in English |
1 | A | a | ए (a) | a |
2 | B | b | बि (bee) | bee |
3 | C | c | सि (cee) | cee |
4 | D | d | डी (dee) | dee |
5 | E | e | इ (e) | e |
6 | F | f | एफ (ef) | ef |
7 | G | g | जी (gee) | gee |
8 | H | h | एच ((h)aitch) | (h)aitch |
9 | I | i | आइ (i) | i |
10 | J | j | जे (jay) | jay |
11 | K | k | के (kay) | kay |
12 | L | l | एल (el) | el |
13 | M | m | एम (em) | em |
14 | N | n | एन (en) | en |
15 | O | o | ओ (o) | o |
16 | P | p | पी (pee) | pee |
17 | Q | q | क्यु (cue) | cue |
18 | R | r | आर (ar) | ar |
19 | S | s | एस (ess) | ess |
20 | T | t | टि (tee) | tee |
21 | U | u | यु (u) | u |
22 | V | v | भि (vee) | vee |
23 | W | w | डब्ल्यु (double-u) | double-u |
24 | X | x | एक्स (ex) | ex |
25 | Y | y | वाई (wy) | wy |
26 | Z | z | जेड (zee/zed) | zee/zed |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a sentence for the 26 alphabet?
A pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet. The most famous pangram is “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
What is the longest word in the English language?
The longest word in the English language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, which is a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust. It has 45 letters.
Which is the longest word with only vowels?
The longest word made up of only vowels is euouae. It is a 6-letter word that is found in Middle English poetry. It is thought to be an imitation of the sound of the wind.
How many countries use the English alphabet?
Over 130 countries use the English alphabet. Some of the most notable countries include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and Nigeria.