Are you looking for all common Flowers name in French & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of flowers name in French & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In French |
Acacia Yellow Flower | Fleur jaune d’acacia | |
Achillea Millefolium | Achillée millefeuille | |
Allium | Ail | |
Arabian Jasmine | Jasmin d’Arabie ou Jasminum Sambac | |
Ashok Flower | Fleur d’Ashok | |
Asiatic Lily | Lys asiatique | |
Aster | Aster | |
Balloon Flower | Fleur De Ballon | |
Balsam | Baume | |
Bauhinia | Bauhinia | |
Bleeding Heart | Cœur saignant | |
Blood Lily | Lys de sang | |
Blossom | Fleurir | |
Blue Morning Glory | Gloire du matin bleue | |
Blue Water Lily | Nénuphar bleu | |
Bluebell | Jacinthe des bois | |
Bougainvillea | Bougainvillier | |
Brahma Kamal | Brahma Kamal | |
Bromeliad | Broméliacées | |
Burmann’s Sundew | Droséra de Burmann | |
Burr Mallow | Burr Mauve | |
Butea Monosperma | Butée monosperma | |
Buterfly Pea | Pois Papillon ou Pois Zombie | |
Camomile | Camomille | |
Canna Lily | Lily Canna | |
Castor Ricinus | Ricin Ricinus | |
Chamomile Vine | Vigne de camomille | |
Cherry Blossom | Fleur de cerisier | |
Chrysanthemum | Chrysanthème ou Chandramalika | |
Cobra Saffron | Safran Cobra | |
Cockscomb | Crête de coq | |
Columbine Flower | Fleur d’ancolie | |
Common Crape Myrtle | Myrte crêpe commun | |
Common Globe Amaranth | Amarante globe commune | |
Common Lantana | Lantana commun | |
Cone Flower | Fleur de cône | |
Crape Jasmine | Crêpe Jasmin | |
Crocus | Crocus | |
Crossandra | Crossandra | |
Crown Flower | Calotrope géant; fleur de couronne | |
Cypress Vine | Red Star Glory; Cypress Vine | |
Daffodil | Jonquille | |
Dahlia | Dahlia | |
Daisy | Marguerite | |
Dandelion Dewdrop | Goutte de rosée de pissenlit | |
Foxtail Orchid | Orchidée sétaire | |
Geranium | Géranium | |
Glory Lily | Gloire à Lily | |
Golden Plumeria | Pluméria doré | |
Golden Shower | Douche d’or | |
Hibiscus | Hibiscus | |
Hollyhock | Trémière | |
Hypericum Flower | Fleur de millepertuis | |
Indian Tulip | Tulipe indienne | |
Indigo Flower | Fleur indigo | |
Iris | Iris | |
Jasmine | Jasmin | |
Lady’s Sipper Orchid | Orchidée Lady’s Sipper | |
Lavender | Lavande | |
Lavender Flower | Fleur de lavande | |
Lilac | Lilas | |
Lily | Lis | |
Lotus | Lotus | |
Magnolia | Magnolia | |
Marigold | Souci | |
Mexican Prickly Poppy | Pavot épineux mexicain | |
Mexican Tuberose | Tubéreuse mexicaine | |
Millingtonia Hortensis | Millingtonia Hortensis | |
Mirabilis Jalapa | Mirabilis Jalapa | |
Monsoon Lily | Lys de mousson | |
Mountain Laurel | Laurier des montagnes | |
Murraya | Murray | |
Mussaenda | Être marmonné | |
Narcissus | Narcisse | |
Night Blooming Jasmine | Jasmin à floraison nocturne | |
Oleander | Laurier-rose | |
Orange Tiger Lily | Lis tigré orange | |
Orchid Flower | Fleur orchidée | |
Pansy | Pensée | |
Periwinkle | Pervenche | |
Plumeria | Frangipanier blanc commun | |
Poppy Flower | Coquelicot | |
Pot Marigold-Calendula | Souci-Calendula | |
Primrose | Primevère | |
Purple Passion | Passion Pourpre | |
Ranunculus Flower | Fleur de renoncule | |
Rhododendron | Rhododendron | |
Rose | Rose | |
Scarlet Jungle Flame | Ixora Coccinea; Flamme de la Jungle Écarlate | |
Shameplant | Mimosa Pudica; Shameplant | |
Showy Rattlepod | Hochet voyant | |
Siroi Lily | Siroi Lily | |
Snowdrop | Perce-neige | |
Star Jasmine | Jasmin étoilé | |
Stramonium | Datura Stramonium | |
Succulent | Succulent | |
Sunflower | Tournesol | |
Sweet Violet | Violette Douce | |
Tanner’s Cassia | Cassia du tanneur | |
Tulip | Tulipe | |
Water Lily | Nénuphar | |
Windflower | Fleur d’anémone ou Windflower | |
Winter Jasmine | Jasmin d’hiver | |
Yarrow | Achillée millefeuille; Achillea Desert Eve Deep Rose | |
Yellow Marigold | Souci jaune | |
Yellow Oleander | Laurier-rose jaune |