Are you looking for all common Flowers name in German & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of flowers name in German & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In German |
Acacia Yellow Flower | Akaziengelbe Blume | |
Achillea Millefolium | Achillea Millefolium | |
Allium | Knoblauch | |
Arabian Jasmine | Arabischer Jasmin oder Jasminum Sambac | |
Ashok Flower | Ashok-Blume | |
Asiatic Lily | Asiatische Lilie | |
Aster | Aster | |
Balloon Flower | Ballonblume | |
Balsam | Balsam | |
Bauhinia | Bauhinia | |
Bleeding Heart | Blutendes Herz | |
Blood Lily | Blutlilie | |
Blossom | Blüte | |
Blue Morning Glory | Blaue Prunkwinde | |
Blue Water Lily | Blaue Seerose | |
Bluebell | Glockenblume | |
Bougainvillea | Bougainvillea | |
Brahma Kamal | Brahma Kamal | |
Bromeliad | Bromelie | |
Burmann’s Sundew | Burmanns Sonnentau | |
Burr Mallow | Wurzelmalve | |
Butea Monosperma | Butea Monosperma | |
Buterfly Pea | Schmetterlingserbse oder Zombieerbse | |
Camomile | Kamille | |
Canna Lily | Canna Lily | |
Castor Ricinus | Castor Ricinus | |
Chamomile Vine | Kamillenrebe | |
Cherry Blossom | Kirschblüte; Japanische Kirsche | |
Chrysanthemum | Chrysantheme | |
Cobra Saffron | Kobra-Safran | |
Cockscomb | Hahnenkamm | |
Columbine Flower | Akelei-Blume | |
Common Crape Myrtle | Gewöhnliche Kreppmyrte | |
Common Globe Amaranth | Gewöhnlicher Kugelamaranth | |
Common Lantana | Gewöhnlicher Wandelröschen | |
Cone Flower | Kegelblume | |
Crape Jasmine | Kreppjasmin | |
Crocus | Krokus | |
Crossandra | Crossandra | |
Crown Flower | Kronenblume | |
Cypress Vine | Zypressenrebe | |
Daffodil | Narzisse | |
Dahlia | Dahlie | |
Daisy | Gänseblümchen | |
Dandelion Dewdrop | Löwenzahn-Tautropfen | |
Foxtail Orchid | Fuchsschwanz-Orchidee | |
Geranium | Geranie | |
Glory Lily | Glory Lily | |
Golden Plumeria | Goldene Plumeria | |
Golden Shower | Goldene Dusche | |
Hibiscus | Hibiskus | |
Hollyhock | Malve | |
Hypericum Flower | Hypericum-Blume | |
Indian Tulip | Indische Tulpe | |
Indigo Flower | Indigo-Blume | |
Iris | Iris | |
Jasmine | Jasmin | |
Lady’s Sipper Orchid | Frauensipper-Orchidee | |
Lavender | Lavendel | |
Lavender Flower | Lavendelblüte | |
Lilac | Lila | |
Lily | Lilie | |
Lotus | Lotus | |
Magnolia | Magnolie oder Champa | |
Marigold | Ringelblume | |
Mexican Prickly Poppy | Mexikanischer Stachelmohn | |
Mexican Tuberose | Mexikanische Tuberose | |
Millingtonia Hortensis | Millingtonia Hortensis | |
Mirabilis Jalapa | Mirabilis Jalapa | |
Monsoon Lily | Monsun-Lilie | |
Mountain Laurel | Berglorbeer | |
Murraya | Murray | |
Mussaenda | Zum Murmeln | |
Narcissus | Narzisse | |
Night Blooming Jasmine | Nachtblühender Jasmin | |
Oleander | Oleander | |
Orange Tiger Lily | Orangefarbene Tigerlilie | |
Orchid Flower | Orchidee | |
Pansy | Stiefmütterchen | |
Periwinkle | Immergrün | |
Plumeria | Gewöhnlicher weißer Frangipani oder Plumeria | |
Poppy Flower | Mohnblume | |
Pot Marigold-Calendula | Ringelblume-Calendula | |
Primrose | Primel | |
Purple Passion | Lila Leidenschaft | |
Ranunculus Flower | Ranunkelblume | |
Rhododendron | Rhododendron | |
Rose | Rose | |
Scarlet Jungle Flame | Ixora Coccinea; Scharlachrote Dschungelflamme | |
Shameplant | Mimosa pudica; Shameplant | |
Showy Rattlepod | Auffällige Klapperschlange | |
Siroi Lily | Siroi Lily | |
Snowdrop | Schneeglöckchen | |
Star Jasmine | Sternjasmin | |
Stramonium | Stramonium | |
Succulent | Saftig | |
Sunflower | Sonnenblume | |
Sweet Violet | Süßes Veilchen | |
Tanner’s Cassia | Tanners Cassia | |
Tulip | Tulpe | |
Water Lily | Seerose | |
Windflower | Anemonenblume oder Windblume | |
Winter Jasmine | Winterjasmin | |
Yarrow | Duizendblad | |
Yellow Marigold | Gelbe Ringelblume | |
Yellow Oleander | Gelber Oleander |