Are you looking for all common Indoor Plants name in German & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of indoor plants name in German & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In German |
African Milk Tree | Afrikanischer Milchbaum | |
African Violet | Usambaraveilchen | |
Air Plant | Luftanlage | |
Alocasia Polly | Alocasia Polly | |
Aloe Vera | Aloe Vera | |
Anthurium | Anthurium | |
Arrowhead Plant | Pfeilspitzenpflanze | |
Aspidistra | Aspidistra | |
Bamboo Palm | Bambuspalme | |
Begonia | Begonie | |
Bird of Paradise | Paradiesvogel | |
Boston Fern | Boston-Farn | |
Bromeliad | Bromelie | |
Button Fern | Knopffarn | |
Chinese Evergreen | Chinesischer Immergrüner Baum | |
Chinese Money Plant | Chinesische Geldpflanze | |
Christmas Cactus | Weihnachtskaktus | |
Coleus | Coleus | |
Croton | Kroton | |
Crown of Thorns | Dornenkrone | |
Dragon Tree | Drachenbaum | |
Dragon Wing Begonia | Drachenflügelbegonie | |
Dumb Cane | Dummer Stock | |
False Aralia | Falsche Aralia | |
Fern Leaf Cactus | Farnblattkaktus | |
Ficus Alii | Andere Feigen | |
Fiddle Leaf Fig | Geigenblattfeige | |
Golden Barrel Cactus | Goldener Fasskaktus | |
Haworthia | Haworthia | |
Haworthia Cooperi | Haworthia Cooperi | |
Hoya | Hoya | |
Jade Plant | Jadepflanze | |
Juniper Bonsai | Wacholder-Bonsai | |
Kalanchoe | Kalanchoe | |
Lavender | Lavendel | |
Lipstick Plant | Lippenstiftpflanze | |
Maidenhair Fern | Frauenhaarfarn | |
Money Plant or Pothos | Geldpflanze oder Pothos | |
Nerve Plant | Nervenpflanze | |
Norfolk Island Pine | Norfolkinsel-Kiefer | |
Oxalis | Oxalis | |
Oxalis Triangularis | Oxalis triangularis | |
Parlor Palm | Salonpalme | |
Peace Lily | Friedenslilie | |
Peperomia | Peperomie | |
Persian Shield | Persischer Schild | |
Philodendron | Philodendron | |
Ponytail Palm | Pferdeschwanzpalme | |
Prayer Plant | Gebetspflanze | |
Purple Passion Plant | Lila Passionspflanze | |
Rattlesnake Plant | Klapperschlangenpflanze | |
Red Aglaonema | Rotes Aglaonema | |
Rex Begonia | Rex-Begonie | |
Rubber Plant | Gummibaum | |
Schefflera | Schefflera | |
Senecio Radicans | Wurzeln schlagen im Alter | |
Snake Plant | Schlangenpflanze | |
Spider Plant | Spinnenpflanze | |
Staghorn Fern | Hirschhornfarn | |
String of Dolphins | Reihe von Delfinen | |
String of Hearts | Herzkette | |
String of Pearls | Perlenkette | |
Stromanthe Triostar | Stromanthe Triostar | |
Succulents | Sukkulenten | |
Sweetheart Plant | Schatzpflanze | |
Swiss Cheese Plant | Schweizer Käserei | |
Wandering Jew | Wandernder Jude | |
Watermelon Peperomia | Wassermelonen-Peperomie | |
Weeping Fig | Weinende Abb | |
Yucca | Yucca | |
ZZ Plant | ZZ-Anlage |