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Korean Alphabet

Korean Consonants/ 자음 ja-eum
Korean alphabet has 14 consonants and 11 complex consonants (ㄳ ㄵ ㄶ ㄺ ㄻ ㄼ ㄽ ㄾ ㄿ ㅀ ㅄ) and 5 tense consonants / Korean Double Consonants as shown in below tables and their pronunciation in English.
Korean Consonants | Pronunciation |
ㄱ | g/k |
ㄴ | n |
ㄷ | d/t |
ㄹ | r/l |
ㅁ | m |
ㅂ | b |
ㅅ | s |
ㅇ | ng |
ㅈ | j |
ㅊ | ch |
ㅋ | k |
ㅌ | t |
ㅍ | p |
ㅎ | h |
Korean Double Consonants
Korean alphabet has 5 tense consonants / Korean Double Consonants as shown below and their pronunciation in English.
Korean Double Consonants | Pronunciation |
ㄲ | kk |
ㄸ | tt |
ㅃ | pp |
ㅆ | ss |
ㅉ | jj |

Korean Vowels / 모음 mo-eum
Korean alphabet has 10 vowels and 11 complex vowels as shown in below tables and their pronunciation in English.
Korean Vowels | Pronunciation |
ㅏ | a |
ㅑ | ya |
ㅓ | eo |
ㅕ | yeo |
ㅗ | o |
ㅛ | yo |
ㅜ | u |
ㅠ | yu |
ㅡ | eu |
ㅣ | i |
Korean Complex Vowels
Korean alphabet has 11 complex vowels / other vowels as shown below and their pronunciation in English.
Korean Complex Vowels | Pronunciation |
ㅐ | ae |
ㅒ | yae |
ㅔ | e |
ㅖ | ye |
ㅘ | wa |
ㅙ | wae |
ㅚ | oe |
ㅝ | wo |
ㅞ | we |
ㅟ | wi |
ㅢ | ui |

Learn More: Korean Numbers