
Marathi Alphabet

Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by over 83 million people, primarily in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is also spoken in some parts of Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Telangana. Marathi is the official language of Maharashtra and is one of the 22 official languages of India.

Structure of the Marathi Alphabet

Marathi Alphabet

Like in the English language, the Marathi language also has alphabets that are categorized as Vowels (स्वर) and Consonants (व्यंजने). Marathi consists of 48 Alphabets. In the present time the Marathi language is written and typed in the “Balbodh Devanagari” script nowadays, in the past “Kadamba script” was used for Marathi typing.

Marathi Vowels

The vowel is a speech sound produced by humans when the breath flows out through the mouth without being blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips. There are 12 letters in Marathi Vowels. Vowels are called “Svara” (स्वर) in Marathi.

12 vowels in Marathi – अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं (Anusvara), अ: (Visarg)

Note: Marathi language has got two new vowels ॲ and ऑ due to the use of English language. Now Marathi Vowels are 14 instead of 12.

Marathi Vowels
Marathi VowelPronunciationTyping guidance
ahType a
aaType aa
eeType i
iiType ii
ooType u
uuType uu
ehType e
aiType ai
ohType o
auType au
अंunType am
अ:uhType a :
riType ri

Marathi Consonants

Consonants are pronounced by stopping the air from flowing easily through the mouth, especially by closing the lips or touching the teeth with the tongue. Consonants are known as “Vaynjane” (व्यंजने) in Marathi. Marathi Consonants consist of 36 letters given below

36 Consonants in Marathi – क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म , य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह, ळ, क्ष, ज्ञ

Marathi Consonants
Marathi ConsonantsPronunciationTyping Guidance
ka Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType k
kha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType kh
ga Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType g
gha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType gh
nga Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType ng
cha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType ch
chha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType chh
ja Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType j
jha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType jh
nya Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType nya
ṭa Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType Ta
ṭha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType th
ḍa Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType D
ḍha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType Dh
ṇa Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType N
ta Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType ta
tha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType tha
da Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType d
dha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType dh
na Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType n
pa Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType pa
pha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType f
ba Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType b
bha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType bh
ma Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType m
ya Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType y
ra Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType r
la Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType l
va Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType v
sha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType sh
ṣa Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType Sh
sa Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType s
ha Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType h
क्षkṣhya Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType ksh
त्रtra Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType tr
ज्ञgya Tools Nepal Marathi AlphabetType gy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Marathi alphabet called?

The Marathi alphabet is called Balbodh Devanagari.

How many alphabets are there in Marathi?

There are 14 vowels and 36 consonants in Marathi. Marathi Vowels are 14 instead of 12. So now Marathi Barakhadi is called as Marathi Chaudakhadi.

Learn More: Marathi Numbers

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