Are you looking for all common Shapes name in Portuguese & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of shapes name in Portuguese & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In Portuguese |
Arrow | Seta | |
Cardioid | Cardióide | |
Circle | Círculo | |
Cone | Cone | |
Crescent | Crescente | |
Cross | Cruzar | |
Cube | Cubo | |
Cuboid | Cubóide | |
Cylinder | Cilindro | |
Decagon | Decágono | |
Ellipse | Elipse | |
Ellipsoid Spheroid | Esferoide Elipsóide | |
Equilateral Triangle | Triângulo Equilátero | |
Gnomon | Gnômon | |
Heart Shape | Formato de coração | |
Hemisphere | Hemisfério | |
Heptagon | Heptágono | |
Hexagon | Hexágono | |
Hexahedron | Hexaedro | |
Hyperboloid | Hiperbolóide | |
Icosahedron | Icosaedro | |
Kite Shape | Forma de pipa | |
Klein Bottle | Garrafa Klein | |
Nonagon | Nonagon | |
Octagon | Octógono | |
Octahedron | Octaedro | |
Oval | oval | |
Parallelepiped | Paralelepípedo | |
Parallelogram | Paralelogramo | |
Pentagon | Pentágono | |
Platonic Solid | Sólido Platônico | |
Polygon | Polígono | |
Pyramid | Pirâmide | |
Rectangle | Retângulo | |
Rhombus | Losango | |
Right Triangle | Triângulo Retângulo | |
Scalene triangle | Triângulo escaleno | |
Semi Circle | Semicírculo | |
Sphere | Esfera | |
Spiral | Espiral | |
Square | Quadrado | |
Star | Estrela | |
Tetrahedron | Tetraedro | |
Torus | Toro | |
Trapezium | Trapézio | |
Triangle | Triângulo |