
Vegetables Name in Chinese & English (with pictures)


Are you looking for all common Vegetables name in Chinese & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of vegetables name in Chinese & English with beautiful pictures.

PictureIn EnglishIn Chinese
Amaranth (苋菜)Amaranth苋菜
Apple Gourd (苹果葫芦)Apple Gourd苹果葫芦
Arbi (阿尔比)Arbi阿尔比
Artichokes (朝鲜蓟)Artichokes朝鲜蓟
Ash Gourd (冬瓜)Ash Gourd冬瓜
Asparagus (芦笋)Asparagus芦笋
Banana Flower (香蕉花)Banana Flower香蕉花
Beans (豆子)Beans豆子
Beetroot (红菜头)Beetroot红菜头
Bitter Gourd (苦瓜)Bitter Gourd苦瓜
Black Pepper (黑胡椒)Black Pepper黑胡椒
Bottle Gourd (葫芦)Bottle Gourd葫芦
Broad Beans (蚕豆)Broad Beans蚕豆
Broccoli (西兰花)Broccoli西兰花
Brussels Sprouts (抱子甘蓝)Brussels Sprouts抱子甘蓝
Cabbage (卷心菜)Cabbage卷心菜
Capsicum (辣椒)Capsicum辣椒
Carrot (胡萝卜)Carrot胡萝卜
Cauliflower (菜花)Cauliflower菜花
Celery (芹菜)Celery芹菜
Chickpea (鹰嘴豆)Chickpea鹰嘴豆
Chilli (辣椒)Chilli辣椒
Chokos (巧克力)Chokos巧克力
Cluster Beans (集群 Bean)Cluster Beans集群 Bean
Coriander Leaf (香菜叶)Coriander Leaf香菜叶
Corn (玉米)Corn玉米
Cucumber (黄瓜)Cucumber黄瓜
Curry Leaves (咖喱叶)Curry Leaves咖喱叶
Dill (莳萝)Dill莳萝
Drumstick (鼓槌)Drumstick鼓槌
Eggplant (茄子)Eggplant茄子
Fennel (茴香)Fennel茴香
Fenugreek Leaf (胡芦巴叶)Fenugreek Leaf胡芦巴叶
French Beans (四季豆)French Beans四季豆
Garlic (蒜)Garlic
Ginger (姜)Ginger
Green Chilli (青辣椒)Green Chilli青辣椒
Green Pepper (青椒)Green Pepper青椒
Green Plantain (绿色车前草)Green Plantain绿色车前草
Jackfruit (菠萝蜜)Jackfruit菠萝蜜
Kale (羽衣甘蓝)Kale羽衣甘蓝
Kohlrabi (苤)Kohlrabi
Lady Finger (手指女士)Lady Finger手指女士
Lemon (柠檬)Lemon柠檬
Lettuce (莴苣)Lettuce莴苣
Luffa (丝瓜络)Luffa丝瓜络
Mushroom (蘑菇)Mushroom蘑菇
Mustard Greens (芥菜)Mustard Greens芥菜
Onion (洋葱)Onion洋葱
Parsley (香菜)Parsley香菜
Pea (豌豆)Pea豌豆
Peppermint (薄荷)Peppermint薄荷
Pointed Gourd (尖头葫芦)Pointed Gourd尖头葫芦
Potato (土豆)Potato土豆
Pumpkin (南瓜)Pumpkin南瓜
Radicchio (菊苣)Radicchio菊苣
Radish (萝卜)Radish萝卜
Raw Mango (生芒果)Raw Mango生芒果
Red Pepper (辣椒)Red Pepper辣椒
Ridge Gourd (岭葫芦)Ridge Gourd岭葫芦
Snake Gourd (蛇葫芦)Snake Gourd蛇葫芦
Soya Bean (黄豆)Soya Bean黄豆
Spinach (菠菜)Spinach菠菜
Spring Onion (葱)Spring Onion
Swede (瑞典人)Swede瑞典人
Sweet Potato (甘薯)Sweet Potato甘薯
Tomato (番茄)Tomato番茄
Turnip (芜菁)Turnip芜菁
Yam (薯)Yam
Zucchini (夏南瓜)Zucchini夏南瓜

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