Are you looking for all common Vegetables name in Spanish & English with pictures? We have covered the best list of different types of vegetables name in Spanish & English with beautiful pictures.
Picture | In English | In Spanish |
Amaranth | Amaranto | |
Apple Gourd | calabaza de manzana | |
Arbi | Arbi | |
Artichokes | Alcachofas | |
Ash Gourd | Calabaza de ceniza | |
Asparagus | Espárragos | |
Banana Flower | flor de plátano | |
Beans | Frijoles | |
Beetroot | Raíz de remolacha | |
Bitter Gourd | calabaza amarga | |
Black Pepper | Pimienta negra | |
Bottle Gourd | Calabaza de botella | |
Broad Beans | Habas | |
Broccoli | Brócoli | |
Brussels Sprouts | Coles de Bruselas | |
Cabbage | Repollo | |
Capsicum | Pimiento | |
Carrot | Zanahoria | |
Cauliflower | Coliflor | |
Celery | Apio | |
Chickpea | Garbanzo | |
Chilli | Chile | |
Chokos | chocolates | |
Cluster Beans | Frijoles en racimo | |
Coriander Leaf | Hoja de cilantro | |
Corn | Maíz | |
Cucumber | Pepino | |
Curry Leaves | Hojas de curry | |
Dill | Eneldo | |
Drumstick | Palillo de tambor | |
Eggplant | Berenjena | |
Fennel | Hinojo | |
Fenugreek Leaf | Hoja de fenogreco | |
French Beans | Judías verdes | |
Garlic | Ajo | |
Ginger | Jengibre | |
Green Chilli | Chile verde | |
Green Pepper | Pimiento verde | |
Green Plantain | Plátano Verde | |
Jackfruit | Yaca | |
Kale | col rizada | |
Kohlrabi | Colinabo | |
Lady Finger | Dedo de Señorita | |
Lemon | Limón | |
Lettuce | Lechuga | |
Luffa | esponja vegetal | |
Mushroom | Champiñón | |
Mustard Greens | Hojas de mostaza | |
Onion | Cebolla | |
Parsley | Perejil | |
Pea | Guisante | |
Peppermint | Menta | |
Pointed Gourd | Calabaza puntiaguda | |
Potato | Papa | |
Pumpkin | Calabaza | |
Radicchio | achicoria | |
Radish | Rábano | |
Raw Mango | Mango verde | |
Red Pepper | Pimiento rojo | |
Ridge Gourd | Calabaza de cresta | |
Snake Gourd | Calabaza Serpiente | |
Soya Bean | Soja | |
Spinach | Espinaca | |
Spring Onion | Cebolleta | |
Swede | sueco | |
Sweet Potato | Batata | |
Tomato | Tomate | |
Turnip | Nabo | |
Yam | batata | |
Zucchini | Calabacín |